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  Sunday, 28 January 2007  
The Winter's Tale
Hi people! :)

Some of us went to the theatre to see "The winter's tale", a story by Shakespeare, played by the "Lisbon Player's" at "Estrela Hall" (I hope you understand all these informations :X), and I decided to post some photos I took! If you've seen this play (and if you want :P), give your opinion about it !

This play was a real "winter's tale" because it was so cold in that play-house... :X I was frozen!

Despite the fact that I didn't understand next to nothing of what the players have said (the English they use are not easy for me to understand :S...but as I've read some sinopsys, I could understand the story) I would like to congratulate them! They did a very good work! :)

On the photos we can find three members of "RiPaTaSiRaNa" {Sílvia, Rita and I - Raquel} and four photos (a little out of focus) of some scenes of "The winter's tale".

posted by Raquel @ 2:01 pm  
  • At 1/28/2007 3:18 pm, Blogger RLS said…

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  • At 1/28/2007 3:19 pm, Blogger RLS said…

    Unfortunately the play was too long and I couldn't stay there and watch the end .. But it was good. The story and the actors! :)

  • At 1/28/2007 5:41 pm, Blogger Silvia Brito said…

    A trip to remember!!It was freezinggggggggg...The play was too long and I don't know about you... but I didn't understand most they were saying!!Despite all that, I must say that the "bear part" was hilarious!!!!!

  • At 2/04/2007 5:49 pm, Blogger RLS said…

    Yes, that part was hilareous!!Lol. And I didn't understand some parts of the play too.

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