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  Friday, 15 December 2006  
Review on "An Inconvenient Truth"
“My name is Al Gore, I used to be the next president of the United States”.

For those who never heard this quote, it might sound like a political speech; for those who recognised it, it’s because they have seen the most important film of the year.
Directed by David Guggenheim, “An Inconvenient Truth” is a slide show of Al Gore’s presentations over the world, about global warming and its effects in the future.
For those who go to the cinema to have a nice time and forget about the daily problems, I won’t suggest you choose this movie.
It is not an entertaining movie; it doesn’t have a story or many characters like the movies we are used to see? ; it speaks of problems that are real and alarming, and that many people prefer to avoid, pretending they don’t exist.
Al Gore presents this moral issue with humour and clear language, so that everybody can understand it.
In the middle of its slides, he shows us episodes of his personal life letting us see the human being behind the politic, humanifying his image and touching our hearts. Not only does he explain the problems of our planet but he also tells us what we can do to make a difference in an issue that he considers more important than the war or the Al-Qaeda.

This PowerPoint movie doesn’t have a political purpose, although Gore takes every chance he has to defend his causes and critics those who call him the “Ozone Man”, in a subtle way, of course! He prefers to call it a global challenge to Humanity!
It may remind us of a geography class, it may be a little monotonous because of its 100 minutes but it is informative and educative, absolutely necessary to everyone.
With a charismatic and persuasive presenter, this is a captivating and alarming film.
posted by Silvia Brito @ 3:04 pm  
  • At 12/31/2006 4:38 pm, Blogger RLS said…

    Yes, it's really an alarming film. But people should watch it and understantd what the global warming is and its consequences.
    Great choice!

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