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  Tuesday, 14 November 2006  
On the road - photo essay

A river that never stops, always running, just like our life. I love to see the river going on its way, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, but it never stops. Watching it here always makes me want to go with it without knowing the way I will take, just going on, without no special destiny.

It's like a way to run away from problems and from everything.

It's like being on the road, a road to nowhere, a road to a special place where there is only happiness and friendship.

The boat that is stopped reminds me the times someone doesn't go on with life and their lives are lost and pass by their sides… That's the way I feel sometimes and that's why I like this photo. And because it was taken by me and some friends at Benavente for a school work…

posted by angel @ 12:06 am  
  • At 11/19/2006 7:59 pm, Blogger Kalisheedra said…

    The fact that you and some friends took the picture makes it very unique and the boat in the middle of nothing does look like a person, stopped, alone, only made to go forward.

    Good work!

  • At 11/23/2006 10:40 pm, Blogger AR said…

    Where were you going on 'this trip'? There is something very familiar in the sense that it looks like a backwater off the river Thames, near Oxford. I used to go punting on this stretch of the river.

    My memories are full of slow, gentle Sunday afternoons. Just being.

    Lovely imgae.

  • At 11/26/2006 6:39 pm, Blogger Raquel said…

    I think it was fantastic if we could stops our lifes sometimes! But it isn't possible! And we have to live like....like a river! But I think we could choose some ways...!

    What was the subject for that school's work? :)


  • At 1/27/2007 6:41 pm, Blogger angel said…

    for that school's work we had to chose a subject and make like a "book" with some photos. me and my friends made it about "Benavente and the Autumn".

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